Thursday, March 12, 2009


1:38 AM: Look out: On a daily basis I see at least one person cry; today it was 3 1/2 (1/2 for tag games, one for bummer birthday, two for family) and I was the cause of almost half. Sometimes my heart goes out. Today it went out when a very small person said, "Everybody hates me (...) I don't have feelings anymore. My feelings are being crushed." If you don't remember how it happens, how it happened to you, this (that) is how it happens. You learn early and then you forget and then you learn again and remember, maybe, or you were home schooled and you're constantly amazed or you don't want to believe it (that) and so are constantly amazed.

Everything is going to be fine.

It's okay.


The Mediator
The Enforcer
The Comforter
The Comforted

1 comment:

1 said...

Sweet, sweet Linds.
I always think of you when I hear this song:

Oh pretty girls, you're too good for this
How you break my heart in this cold waiting room
Oh my pretty girls, you're too good for this
Don't let them tell you you're nothing
Don't let them break your hearts too

The TV is blaring and angry
As if you don't know why you're here
Those who walk without sin are so hungry
Don't let the wolves in, pretty girls

Your hearts are so tried and so innocent
Wind your flimsy blue gowns tight around you
Around curves so comely and sinister
They blame it on you pretty girls

Oh pretty girls, you're too good for this
How you break my heart in this cold waiting room
Oh my pretty girls, you're too good for this
Don't let them tell you you're nothing
Don't let them break your hearts too

My girls, you're just like the heavens
Not a soul to take your hand in theirs
Your tears and wild constellations
Broad limbs and hard folding chairs

But there's millions to count you and keep you
And lovers that don't understand:
Don't let them tell you you're nothing
'Cause you'll change the world pretty girls

Come chain yourself 'round my ankles
You'll see the world like a bird
Diving down low, flying up high
Thru all of these saccharine gutters we'll ride and I

Won't say that I told you so

(neko case)