Heh heh heh. Look what I found. Google image search wins the prize for this one too. I love this for obvious reasons: its glaring Trent Reznor style angst, the tidyness of the pins, the absolute cleanliness of the aggrieved hand and of course the fake blood. Most of all I love that someone took the time to create this thing on their or some other one's hand, to make manifest the pain in their heart for all the world/internt to see and that that manifestation is at once cute (Hello Kitty, Lisa Frank, Hearts and Stars cute) and totally metal. It's real, real high school and it makes me feel good because, someone, the maker of this, is crazier than me...or at least less aware of how completely silly this is. I say, "Good for you, kiddo, and don't you worry. Time heals all wounds, except maybe the fake ones. Those you have to wash off with soap and water."
It is really oddly cute.
I've been totally metal since I was 14. I may mean something different by that, I suppose, but still.
What a strange coincidence! I just wrote "WHY DON'T YOU WANT ME TO WANT YOU LIKE I WANT YOU TO WANT ME!?" on my stomach with upholstery tacks. I also started poking "Whereof we know not, thereof we must not speak," into my lower back with grandmama's cameo brooch collection, but I had to stop when my arms got tired. I'm lightheaded and waiting for a text message that may never come... Oh! That last tidbit should be poked into my right thigh...
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