Top 5 Birthday Memories:
1987 or '88- Sleeping Beauty cake
1994- Watching O.J. Simpson white Bronco car chase while waiting for my guests to arrive.
1999- First indie-rocker music festival featuring Elliot Smith. Thanks, Julia.
2002- Smooching on a picnic bench having snuck away from the party (high school graduation/birthday party).
2003- Stoney ocean romp and Mexican Food. Jenny wore her camouflage bikini just for me.
Happy birthday, Lindsey. Mine's on the 21st and Lorraine's was last week, the llth. On the weekend before that we were at a reading, and at dinner before the reading it turned out that of the other seven poets there, two of them had the same birthday as Lorraine. I don't know what to say about that except that coincides are more likely than no coincidences.
One or two of my major birthday memories involve things I don't remember, if you see what I'm saying.
Thanks, Mark! Happy early birthday to you and Happy belated birthday to Lorraine. This week or two in June seems to be very popular for birthdays. I manage to always have several Geminis in my life at any given time. Good people, I think. Good for poetry maybe?
Hi Lindsey! Happy (late) birthday. I ran into Andrew B. last week and he told me it was going to be your birthday and I meant to email you the next day but I didn't but now I'm enjoying your cat pictures and saying happy birthday. Hope SF is good to you.
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