Saturday, February 16, 2008

Poeting with the Poets

Oh, fun times with the poets last night. Delicious ravioli with A.W.s and B.B. Thank you to them for that and for introducing me to Zukofsky's "A" and the Zukofskys "Catalus". I am planning a trip back to those books soon. SPT reading was really good: Bhanu Kapil and Dodie Bellamy were very well matched and in tune with one another. They both tailored their readings to the night which is such a good idea. D.B.'s raunch and candor always wakes me up and affirms the oddness and ridiculous humanness of things. I was mesmerized by B.K.'s voice and her parade of twisted up beauties. Very very nice. Then reminiscing over Olympia with M.N., drinks at the bar, shooting the shit, 3 count 'em 3 stink bombs! discussion of Metal with three male poets, dancing and air guitar/drums to juke box jams. Thanks to all for fun times. So glad to be your friend.

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